Madayaw na adlaw mga amigo! (Good day friends!)
Here's some of the highlights that happened in !HA? 3.0 Davao Benefit Gig last 9/11/10, 9:00 PM at the Durian Bar, Madrazo Compound, C. Bangoy St., Davao City.
BLEH wall
Dio and Maze of DCK
Angely Chi and Doodlerz Society with their creation, albino alien named "Curly Tops". Chi holds stickers made by !HA? 3.0 Davao audience.
Local musicians rocked the ears of the !HA? audience. They were Lifelinez, Junior B.O.T., TRIPOD band, To the Tune of the Lilies, Ian of Arangkagana, Gani of Kamaggong Waddub, Payaso, Golgotha, Decapitated State, and Jad Montenegro. Even Zeus and Dopee of DCK dished out their rap tunes.
The audience made stickers, watched graffiti videos, doodled, bought zines and other memorabilia and checked out books at the Kinauyahan Unahon zine distro, bid for artworks (to hilarious, even disastrous results) and made good friends during the event. Proceeds of the art auction went to the Kinaiyahan Unahon Mobile Library project.
Crew members of DCK, a newly-formed local graffiti crew, wheatpasted and painted live until the rain came and went away.
Muzika del Sur, Davao City's music channel on local cable covered the event. Watch their report on Youtube .
To all those who supported !HA? 3.0 Davao benefit gig, thank you very much! Special thanks to Judith Vargas, Neil Arvin Pagsisihan Javier, Kelly Ramos-Palaganas, The Edge Radio, Muzika del Sur and DCK.
Davao will !HA? again in the future and we hope to see you again!
(1st two photos by Eatsurk Tealost)